Supertracker Laser Wheel Alignment Systems

The Supertracker Laser Wheel Aligners are one of the most popular entry level choice of aligners for garages, below are the main reasons why customers choose Supertracker:

  • The ability to carry out a Geometry check ANYWHERE in the workshop instead of being anchored to one bay.
  • Robust and British made systems, providing simple and accurate measurements.
  • Our systems eliminate potential damage that some other expensive clamp systems may cause. 
  • Peace of mind of an immediate National coverage response from factory trained engineers for accident damage with the benefit of various options to provide  maintenance packages.


Our Supertracker team are ready to help, if you would like a quotation use the contact form below or email [email protected] with you name, product requirements and postcode and well send you a no obligation quotation within 24 hours.

wheel alignment machine UK

STR1 Laser wheel alignment demonstration video

A handy explainer video that provides a step-by-step guide to our trusted, cordless STR range of laser aligners. As the automotive industry develops at pace, this demo video will help support garages in making informed decisions about the equipment they use and provides expert instruction and benefits of the laser alignment system for Supertracker.

View Video
STR1 laser aligner

The supertracker popular laser wheel aligner with hang on system, offers a quick and easy to use solution to wheel alignment checks.

Wall hung to offer floor space saving benefits. 

Available with or without the informational lightbox.

STR1 Wall Hung Laser System
Supertracker laser wheel aligner

The Supertracker popular laser wheel aligner with hang on system, offers a quick and easy to use solution to wheel alignment checks.

Available on a trolley for easy manoeuvrability around the workshop 

Supplied with an informational light box.

STR1 Trolley Laser System
Commercial laser aligner

Supertracker's range of laser wheel aligners specifically for commercial vehicles include; STR1500 laser tracking gaages, T3 for single steer vehicles, T4 for twin steer vehicles.

Available as a trolley or wall mounted.

STRT4 Commercial Aligner
mobile wheel alignment

The supertracker popular laser wheel aligner with hang on system, offers a quick and easy to use solution to wheel alignment checks.

Now available as a mobile solution for vans - compact bracketry system.

Available for charging inside the van or mains charging outside of the van.

STR1 Mobile System